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At the early age of 10, I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. with my parents. From that age on, I became passionate about two things:


The Holocaust

For me, museums are not just buildings, filled with boring information and irrelevent artifacts. They are many things, including learning experiences, educational opportunitutes, and for me, life changers. If it was not for that early visit to the USHMM, I may not have taken the educational steps that I did. I may not have chosen to study history in my home town of Lafayette, Louisiana. I may not have journeyed hundreds of miles away from home to begin a Public History M.A. program in Appalachia. I may not have applied to the Virgina Holocaust Museum and given the amazing chance to intern there.


To every visitor of this blog, whether you like history or not, I encourage ya'll to give museums a chance. I hope my experiences as an intern will encourage people to visit the Virginia Holocaust Museum and any museum they come across. History is not confined to textbooks and classroom lectures. It can be an engaging experience.

More than just a museum...

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